Short Personal Stories


The Compulsive Storyteller is a series of short personal stories by visual artist and lifelong storyteller Gregg LeFevre. Each week will feature a new short-form episode with a great story told in under 20 minutes.

Episode 106: Shortie - Owls and Sparrows

Birds in bronze

Episode 105: My African Valentine

A romance and a heartbreak

Episode 104: Shortie - Nightlife Critic

A quick story about going out

Episode 103: Pass the Mic with Peri Lyons

An NYC “intuitive” tells her story

Episode 101: Pass the Mic with Megan Marod

NYC historian and tour guide tells her story

Episode 100: Peak Foliage

The 100th Episode! - Gregg is unprepared for treacherous hike

Episode 99: Pass the Mic with Andrew Psomas

Multimedia artist and music producer tells his story

Episode 98: Halloween Monster Bash

A wild Halloween party at the artist loft building

Episode 97: Pass the Mic with Wayne Weber

Storyteller and Gregg’s cousin Wayne tells his story

Episode 96: Con Artist

Gregg meets a Danish art dealer

Episode 95: Nakazawa: Simply the Best

Gregg goes out for sushi

Oldies: Pravda (Plus a Bonus!)

Re - release of episode 7 plus our first listener submitted story!

Episode 94: Pass the Mic with Fadia Monserrath

Filmmaker and TCS sound editor tells her story

Episode 93: Spiked Collar

Punks, dogs, and liars

Oldies: Killer Bee

Re-release of episode 8

Episode 92: Pass the Mic with Adam Macias

Podcaster Adam Macias tells his story

Oldies: Dysfunctional Family Fun

Re-release of episode 35

Episode 91: Pass the Mic with Danielle Dardashti

Storyteller and podcaster Danielle Dardashti tells her story

Episode 90: Mom Con

Gregg’s Mom wins big and gets herself into a lot of trouble

Episode 89: Pass the Mic with Jay Acunzo

Jay Acunzo storyteller and podcaster tells his story

Episode 88: 420 Drug Dealing Dad

Gregg’s Dad finds a big score

Episode 87: Pass the Mic with Ansa Edim

Ansa Edim storyteller and writer comes on to tell her story

Episode 86: Gregg’s Eggs

Trials and tribulations of egg delivery

Episode 85: Pass the Mic with Blake Pfeil

Blake Pfeil the creator of the award-winning All-American Ruins, host of "The Pfeil File" on Radio Kingston/WKNY tells his story.

Episode 84: Ménage à trois

A romance with three

Episode 83: Pass the Mic with Jonathan Menjivar

Jonathan Menjivar Senior Producer at Audacy's Pineapple Street Studios and host of the critically acclaimed original podcast series "Classy with Jonathan Menjivar” tells a story

Episode 82: Renaissance Man

Creating sculptures for the Renaissance Hotel Times Square

Episode 81: Pass the Mic with Heide Hatry

Heide Hatry, artist, writer, and environmental activist shares her story

Episode 80: Funny Christmas Disaster

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree…..

Episode 79: Pass the Mic with Ophira Eisenberg

Ophira and Gregg tell stories of their first times

Episode 78: Me and Kissinger

Gregg’s encounters with the infamous statesman

Episode 77: Pass the Mic with Rob Collins from Square Peg

Rob and Gregg interview each other about storytelling.

Episode 76: Circle Jerks

Running circles in the art world

Episode 75: Pass the Mic with Kevin Allison from RISK!

Pass the Mic! A new series with guest storytellers

Episode 74: Tiananmen Tea Hustle

Mistakes made on a trip to China

Episode 73: The Wildest Street in NYC

Tales from Canal Street

Episode 72: Suds

Short stories about beer

Episode 71: Art Stories

3 tales of art woe

Episode 70: My Father, the Mariner

Stories from Gregg’s Dad time in the Merchant Marines

Episode 67: Freefall

Stories about falling down

Episode 65: LOL HAHA

Three funny stories

Episode 64: Street Comedian

Who gets the last laugh?

Episode 63: 3 NYC Stories

Three short stories from the streets of New York

Episode 62: Motorcycle Gangs of the Guggenheim

A run in with the Hell’s Angels

Episode 61: Sleeping Cop

Gregg Gets Caught

Episode 60: Animal Nature

Three stories about wild animals

Episode 59: Dog Artist

A graffiti artist comes out on top

Episode 58: Tin Can Lady

No good deed goes unpunished

Episode 57: Hole in One

A golfing misadventure

Episode 56: Fantasy Phone

A new friend with an interesting business

Episode 55: Hospital M*A*S*H

A few bad trips to the hospital

Episode 54: Hot Dog Factory

You don’t want to know how the sausage gets made

Episode 53: Mover’s Lament

A new business venture may prove to be more trouble than its worth

Episode 52: Tiffany

A big job and a fancy club

Episode 51: Bad Cop | Tactical Patrol

Part four of four cop stories - Excessive force

Episode 50: Bad Cop | Paper Trail

Part three of four cop stories - Making a deal with a cop

Episode 49: Bad Cop | Nocturne

Part two of four cop stories - Gregg and his friend make some enemies

Episode 48: Bad Cop | Yellow Light

Part one of four cop stories - Fighting false accusations

Episode 47: The Noose

Gregg vs Neckties

Episode 46: Escondido

An idyllic vacation goes awry

Episode 45: Four Micro Stories

A joke, an alligator, an umbrella, and a finger.

Episode 44: Stolen Rembrandt

Can he get away with it?

Episode 43: Loose Change

A story of something lost

Episode 41: Red Tail - Part Two

The conclusion of the story of Gregg and his hawk

Episode 40: Red Tail - Part One

Making friends is for the birds

Episode 39: DaVinci’s Man

Was a big job a big mistake?

Episode 38: Love is a Bitch

All’s fair in love and war

Episode 37: Salt of the Earth

A honeymoon that’s no honeymoon

Episode 36: Zen Tracker

A walk in the woods and some tough questions

Episode 34: Divers and Dealers

A bad joke makes Gregg some enemies

Episode 33: Old Dog New Tricks

Saying goodbye to an old friend

Episode 32: Mr. LeFevre Sucks

Teaching a tough crowd

Episode 31: Touching the Sky

Showing a blind man a skyscraper

Episode 30: Pig Stories

3 Stories about swine

Episode 29: A Wrench in the Works

High School disobedience

Episode 28: Glacier

Errors in judgement in pursuit of a glacier

Episode 27: Ratatouille

A dinner party gone wrong

Episode 26: Signor Pizza

Gregg’s summer job at a mafioso run pizzeria

Episode 25: 47 in Dog Years

Threatening neighbors and insomnia lead to a walk down memory lane with Tia my companion of 47 (dog) years.

Episode 13: Twice Blessed

Spring Break Revisit

Episode 24: Stray Pup

Man’s best friend or man’s biggest problem?

Episode 23: 3 Streetshot Shorties

Anything can happen on the streets of New York

Episode 22: Big Mouth

A traffic stop gone wrong

Episode 21: Chuck E and the Princess

An old friend and a mysterious tea plantation in the Costa Rican jungle

Episode 20: Man of the House

Treeforts and “the man”

Episode 19: Magna cum Laude

Making the grade to get the girl

Episode 18: Cops & Hookers

A trip to Dallas and a stay at less than reputable Motel 6

Episode 17: Whipped Cream

A tense dinner with Dad and a dollop of whipped cream

Ep 10: Me Too Mom revisit

Revisiting the story of Gregg’s mother

Ep 16: Comedy & Tragedy

Trials and tribulations in public art and NYC history

Ep 15: Bad Cop/Good Cop

What are you going to do when they come for you?

Ep 14: Two Buddhist Shorties

Truth and humor in Buddhist lessons

Ep 13: Twice Blessed

Experiences of almost religious awe while exploring the natural world.

Ep 12: Be a Man

What does it mean to be a man?

Ep 11: Mario and the Atomic Hard Hats

Finding the best nap spots while building a nuclear sub

Ep 10: Me Too Mom

Stories of Gregg’s mother’s struggles in the military and at home

Ep 9: My First Public Art Disaster

The trials and tribulations of creating public art

Ep 8: Killer Bee

Riding uptown on the #6 train when who lands in the car? Killer bee, one of NYC's most aggressive subway panhandlers.

Ep 7: Pravda

A window between the women’s room and men’s room at a trendy Russian club in Manhattan leads to a very ugly short term relationship.

Ep 6: Operation No Shit Sherlock

An amateur plumbing operation that goes south...way south.

Ep 5: Black Lace

A mysterious pair of black lace panties spells disaster for a marriage.

Ep 4: Pumpkin Patch

When your mother forces you to steal a pumpkin things can go dangerously wrong.

Ep 3: Big Bluefin

A big tuna, a smart dog, a couple of amateur fisherman, and a little deceit can make for a solid kick in the ribs.

Ep 2: Never Bet Your Car

In a large extended family, you can win a bet and still lose big time.

Ep 1: Pipe Dreams

Getting your Dad stoned for the first time ends in a proclamation of love….or maybe not.

Ep 0: Introduction

A brief introduction to get to know Gregg, his stories, and what’s in store for the podcast.